A Day in the Life Series – Raleigh

In March, exploreUX Raleigh edition will be kicking off a monthly event series called “A Day in the Life.” Each month we’ll meet and learn about a different UX role in the field. We’ll have guest speakers from our local community tell us what their day-to-day activities are like and then, if appropriate, we’ll try a small activity to get the feel for what someone in their role does. Roles we’ll be covering include:
  • Content strategist
  • Information architect
  • User researcher
  • Interaction designer
  • and more!
This series is great for entry-level folks, career transitioners, and anyone who’s curious about UX and roles in the profession. We’re hoping this series provides attendees with a better understanding of who’s involved in creating great user experiences, as well as expose people to a career path they might be interested in pursuing.
Keep in Touch
Check our meetup page for upcoming events. Additionally, if you have a role you’d like to learn about, let us know!
Call for Speakers
We’re looking for speakers to present at these events. If you’re interested in speaking, please reach out to Michelle.